Computer Science Program » Elementary Computer Science/Coding

Elementary Computer Science/Coding

Looking for student usernames to be able to access  Please use the links on the right PURPLE side bar to find the links by grade level.
The online curriculum will NOT work on a SmartPhone or SOME tablets. 



Solomon Elementary School inspires military connected children to become contributing citizens.

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Solomon Elementary School

“Success for Every Student”


To inspire and nurture the whole child


Welcome to Ms. Tam's Computer Science Class in RC-1!  At Solomon Elementary School we are excited to offer our students an opportunity to develop skills and knowledge needed in today’s technology driven world.



State of Hawaii has adopted the Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) standards for all grade levels.  The standards can be viewed at the following URL:  The five areas of focus are as follows:

  • Algorithms & Programming
  • Computing Systems
  • Data & Analysis
  • Impacts of Computing
  • Networks & the Internet 



Primarily, students will be working on lessons from which focuses on the basic concepts of programming.  Supplemental lessons from will be given for Digital Citizenship.


Frequency of Classes

Classes meet once every 16 school days--approximately twice a quarter. Lessons done with will be mostly done as homework, to allow students opportunities to program robots during class. Students may email what they have tried and a response will be sent back within 2 school days. Students may complete a form to request for help:


Required Form

Students must have the Technology Responsible User Form (TRUF) signed and on file for this “hands-on” class at Solomon Elementary School.   As stated at the top of the TRUF:

“Each student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) (“parent” or “parents”) must review the Technology Responsible Use Guidelines for digital devices, network, and internet services owned or leased by the Hawaii State Department of Education for its students, known as “Technology Responsible Use Guidelines” or “TRUG”, and sign this “Technology Responsible Use Form” or “TRUF” for access to digital devices, internet and network services, including online educational services. STUDENTS who will be using Hawaii State Department of Education(HIDOE) owned or leased digital devices.”

In Solomon Elementary’s coding class, we will be using iMacs, iPads, robots, and other technology as part of the coursework.  If students do not have a signed TRUF, they cannot use these devices. Other coursework may be assigned.


Looking forward to an exciting year!!