Grade 5 » Home-School Communication

Home-School Communication

Regular communication between home and school can be very beneficial for your child. When teachers and parents work together as partners, together they can help to minimize miscommunication and give the student the support needed to become self-directed and successful learners.  We are all using Class Dojo and highly recommend that you get the app so we can communicate effectively
  • Daily communication between parent and teacher can be done via student planners. Please send any notes/ concerns/ questions that require a short and quick response in your child's planner or through Class Dojo
  • For communication that requires a more in-depth response, please send an email to your child's teacher. 
  • You may leave a message with the office between the hours of 7:55-2:15. 
  • You can also request a meeting with your child's teacher.
  • The class website is also a good place to find communications from your child's teacher. Please visit your child's classroom website for weekly information regarding homework and classroom expectations.