Discontinue Acellus

Parents and Families,
We were recently made aware of the decision by the Hawaii State Department of Education to discontinue the use of Acellus.

We share your concerns about your child's learning during this unprecedented time and have his or her best interest at heart when making decisions. Keeping this in mind, we do not want to add strain to the families of our 100% Virtual Learners by making abrupt decisions and changes.

We also want to assure you that the Administration and the Virtual Learning teachers are planning for an appropriate transition plan during the second quarter to best meet the needs of students. While we will continue to use Acellus at the start of the quarter, we will actively determine how to best replace its use as the primary curriculum and supplement the learning for Virtual Learners.

In the coming weeks you will be notified of the transition from your child's teacher and from the school. Thank you for your valuable input and trust as we collaboratively pursue a rigorous and appropriate curriculum to support the education of the whole child.